Saturday, July 7th GET THE LED OUT – The American Led Zeppelin From thebombastic and epic, to the folky and mystical, Get The Led Out (GTLO) have capturedthe essence of the recorded music of Led Zeppelin and brought it to the concertstage. The Philadelphia based group consists of six veteran musicians intent ondelivering Led Zeppelin live, like you’ve never heard before. Utilizing the multiinstrumentalists at their disposal, GTLO recreate the songs in all their depth and glorywith the studio overdubs that Zeppelin never performed. When you hear three guitarson the album...GTLO delivers three guitarists on stage. No wigs or fake Englishaccents, GTLO brings what the audience wants...a high energy Zeppelin concert withan honest, heart thumping intensity. Don’t miss this super group and at priceeveryone can afford. Ticket prices are $29.00 reserved and GA standing room $23.00with day of reserved $34 & GA $28