Toledo’s longest running (only) professional improv comedy show, 'The Monthly', returns to The Valentine's Studio A Theatre next Friday! Guests of 'The Monthly' will enjoy completely improvised comedy show based on their very own suggestions. Come laugh like it's your final Friday...of the month!

Fri. 1/31 @ 8;30pm

$10 Tickets are available now by calling The Valentine Box Office: 419-242-2787 or at

Veteran players and event hosts Erin Kanary, Nick Morgan & Diana De Pasquale have each spent over a decade honing their comedy skills on the famed improv stages in Detroit, Chicago, and New York. They now bring a staggering amount of laughter inducing talent to The Valentine. An entire comedy show will be created based on a single audience suggestion. Special guests from Toledo's improv community will again join us this month, and because the show is completely improvised, each 'Monthly' is an entirely different experience. 

The show runs just over one hour, broken into two separate sets, with a brief intermission. Alcohol, beer, wine and soda will be available for sale, and its consumption is encouraged! (But not to the point where we are dealing with legal issues because the combination of hilarity and liquor causes you to have a conniption)

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